Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Story of Images - Barcelona, Budapest, Vienna, and back again

So I haven't posted in awhile because...

My friend Grace came to Barcelona to visit me from the United States!

Plaza San Juame, in front of the Generalitat
It was so nice to see her because her being here was like having a little piece of home brought to me in Barcelona (and she brought me some jellybeans and crunchy peanut butter t00, thanks Grace!). We walked around Barcelona and the weather was amazing, as always.

Grace walking through the area that was constructed for the 1992 Olympics at Montjuic.

@ Montjuic
After a few days in Barcelona, we jetted off to Budapest, Hungary. The weather was not so nice in Hungary...

Waiting in line to take a tour of the Hungarian Parliament building. Very cold, but worth the wait.
Nonetheless, Budapest was GORGEOUS.

The Danube River that divides Buda and Pest (taken from the Pest side of the river)

Budapest, taken from the Buda side of the Danube.
We loved Budapest so much, but after three nights there we took the train to Vienna, Austria. And no matter how much we wanted to, we didn't escape the snow in Vienna either...

Despite wearing two layers of socks with our boots, it seemed like our feet were wet for about 5 days straight...Why couldn't we have had our UGGs with us just this one time? Never have I ever wished for those boots more in my life. Though cold and wet, Budapest and Vienna are beautiful in the winter.

But I can't say that we weren't happy to return to Barcelona... I mean, seriously, wouldn't you be excited to come home to this too?

From the top of Montjuic, photo courtesy of Grace. This photo is amazing, my friend.

Well that concludes this update. Grace left for Granada this morning. She is continuing her tour of Spain without me (if only I didn't have class and finals I would go with her!!) Later if I have time I will update more about the nuances of our trip. It really was fantastic. But right now, unfortunately, I have to write a paper. Peace.

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