Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some of the best...

Okay so it's time for an update. I am on break in Barcelona and it's been terribly nice. Being on break in Barcelona is when doing nothing coverts into an art form, making absence itself a tangible entity. I had planned to go to Berlin during this time but decided not to go at the last minute. I looked up the weather on the internet and it read 9 degrees Fahrenheit. No thanks.

Struggling to the airport to travel 5 hours by plane to get to Berlin and experience buttf*cker weather by myself just didn't appeal to me. I still really want to go to Berlin but there is something about cold weather that augments one's solitude. The latter idea actually sounds better in Spanish (perhaps because I first thought of it in Spanish), "El frío aumenta la soledad." Anywho, I didn't want what is possibly one of the world's coolest cities to feel like a chore to visit. Thus, I changed my flight to Berlin to a flight to Madrid this weekend so I could visit my friends that I met in Sevilla. Plus, I still haven't seen all of Madrid and I am excited to go somewhere else that is still in Spain, use my Spanish, and hang out with people that I enjoy in the capital city.

I have been reading La Plaza del Diamante by Mercè Rodoreda. So far I have been enjoying it a lot. I won't talk about what it's about just yet, as I'm still in the midst of reading it and I don't want to draw any conclusions. I leave you with this quotation, however...

"Y yo sola con aquellos ojos delante, que no me dejaban. Como si todo el mundo se hubiese convertido en aquellos ojos y no hubiese manera de ecapar de ellos."

'And I am alone with those eyes before me, they didn't leave me. It was as if everything had converted into those eyes and there wasn't a way of escaping them.'


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