Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Oh, to be oneself amidst the throes of "originality"...

AAS 120

My friends Paul, Hayley, and Allison from my Intro to Asian American Pop Culture class all collaborated during lecture today to draw me this. It's really quite special--so many different pictures. I could just keep staring at it for hours which will serve me well come next lecture. Fifty minutes never seems so long. Thank goodness for iPhones (for satiating writing addictions and notating the professor's bombastic phrasing) and artsy friends.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

RT #8: Things I could do instead of going to law school

1. State Department or CIA. Wow them with my awesome Spanish skills and promise to learn Arabic for them too. Also promise them that I can become a lawyer if and only if they pay for my education.

2. Flee to New York City and work at an unpaid internship for a publishing company while commuting from New Jersey and working nights at a strip club, er, restaurant.

3. Open a chewing gum museum in Singapore.

Notes on this Note
- I had to start numbering my "random thoughts" in my iPhone (they are now dated as well). Every time I edit them the phone changes the date of the note. Annoying! Thus, another method of cataloging them was necessary.

- I still want to go to law school. However, the chewing gum museum sounds mighty appealing. It would be a special place in Singapore for all those dissident gum-chewers whose oral fixations are simply unsanctioned. Also, I think the bank would really love this idea, maybe even more than the idea of me going to law school, as it would most likely cost less.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ethereal Grit

RT: "Ethereal grit" was a phrase I used in class today to describe a poem. Who the hell do I think I am anyway?

And yes, iPhone, when I type the word "hell," I mean it. So you can stop auto-correcting it to "he'll." Sad to say, but I really am that gauche.