Friday, April 30, 2010

Look everyone, it's Whoopi Goldberg!
Now let's give three cries for the amazing and talented,
Hip-hip, whoopi!
Hip-hip, whoopi!
Hip-hip, WHOOPI!

Hiptster Puppies on Tumblr

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Moroccan delights and my friend Mahmoud

I have been wanting to post a lot lately but my life in Barcelona is rapidly reaching it's end and within these 5 short weeks that I have left here in Spain I will be writing four essays, taking four exams, and having two visitors. It's a lot at once and I feel just about every emotion there is to feel. A little bit of excitement, a little bit of nostalgia, a little bit of distraction (mainly because of the sudden nice weather that Barcelona has been having), the urge to go sandal shopping (yes, this is an emotion for me), etc.

Last weekend I went to Morocco with a few friends.

We rode camels,

ate the local cuisine,

admired the topography,

talked with the locals,

and got heckled by them too... (5 dirham for henna anyone??)

We spent 2 days in Marrakech and one night in the desert. Getting to the desert was probably the most unexpected part of our trip. Thinking that the car ride would last 2.5 hours, we signed up for the trip with enthusiasm. After 8 hours of winding through the Moroccan mountains (I think we all had motion sickness at one point) and speaking a mix of Catalan, Spanish, and English in the attempt to communicate with our French-Arabic speaking driver, we finally arrived in the desert for the sunset. We had a camp fire, ate Moroccan dinner, rode camels, and left the next morning after breakfast.

Our stay in the desert was brief, but I think I may have left my heart there...

His name is Mahmoud -محمود

محمود was such a gentlemen. There are very few men that let you mount them without giving you their own commentaries. Sometimes you don't want feedback and you don't want to listen. You just want a good ride. People always say that women talk more than men, and while this might have been true for my case with محمود (our conversation consisted of my asking him questions and him answering me with the occasional shit or twitch of the rear hump), it's a known fact that MEN TALK MORE THAN WOMEN. You men always give us your commentaries when really, we don't care that much. We're more like you than you think, sometimes we're just in it for the ride too.

So thanks محمود, for being a quiet gentlemen and for giving me a good ride. I wouldn't have minded a shave though (you're a bit spikey around the mouth).

Sunday, April 25, 2010

If I could sing...

...this is what my music video would look like.

I swear I would wear those pants too.

Note: Photos taken just outside of the desert in Morocco when we stopped at a gas station to pee.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

La búsqueda

"Y en aquel momento, con la engañosa pero aplastante lucidez del insomnio como quien encuentra por un azar inverosímil y cuando ya había abandonado la búsqueda (porque uno nunca encuentra lo que busca, sino lo que la realidad le entrega) [...]"

Took the above picture in San Sebastian; someone decided to draw an enormous heart in the sand. Been reading lots for class, and writing too... Though I really wanted to go to the club last night down near the sea.

Will be in Morocco at the end of this week! Hoping for lots of tea, cheap jewelry, and smelly camels.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Being Cliche

Okay, so I can't resist posting more pictures of flowers. I know it's probably the most CLICHE thing to take photos of... It's like saying, "Oh wow, how original. You took a photo of a flower (something that is already naturally beautiful) and now you call yourself a great photographer?" But, I don't care. Plus, this flower post provides a nice juxtaposition with the photos of Sid below. I mean, I couldn't put these flowers in the same post with Sid! Ugly spiders and pretty flowers don't belong in the same post.


So if my life were a comic book (which sometimes I think it's worthy of being), I would make this arachnid my villain.

His name would be Sid.

Sid resides in/terrorizes the Cantabria because he enjoys the moderate climate and the tourists that the beaches bring in. He aspires to move to the United States where the people are more meaty (the more meaty the victim, the finer the web) but he can't speak English, so as a villain he'd be marginalized. That is, Sid would be shunned by his fellow villains from killing the top-notch fatty victims. He would have to rely solely upon killing muscular athletes and hard-shelled animals to make his web (which would turn out rather tweed-like from the muscle fibers and rockiness of the shells). Thus, terrorizing Spain and parts of Portugal suits Sid. As a native Spanish speaker with a scary villain name (remember that Sid is only a nickname used cover up his given name which is probably something too biblical to suit his line of work), Sid dominates the peninsula. He likes being the big man in town.

Sid murders his victims by standing over them and then enrapturing them with his spindly legs. Before descending his body upon your soon-to-be corpse, this is what you would see.

At least your last view of Earth before Sid incorporated you into his web would be a lovely view of the sky in Spain's Basque Country.

Don't worry though... You weren't the first one that Sid killed, and certainly will not be the last. He has the entire city of Bilbao (and quite possibly San Sebastian) to conquer before his web is complete.

Images taken at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On the brain right now...

I have no motivation for class right now.

My head is still on Spring break. This happens whenever you have class in the springtime, regardless of where you are. When spring comes you just want to run and frolick in the flowers...

San Sebastián flowers

...then when you get cold go inside for some tea and repeatedly solve your Rubik's cube,

hostel in Granada

go to cafés overlooking the beach with friends and write postcards,

everyone say hi to Eunice and my postcards from Donostia!


reliving my childhood through my Doodles coloring book (it's a very sophisticated coloring book, I might add) and Cray-pas (maybe these aren't so sophisticated; I have the ones in the student pack.)

and sit on a bench that has a nice view so you can read peacefully...

San Sebastián port

...until the sun sets.

What is the overall purpose/message of this blog post?

a) I like sunsets, long walks on the beach, flowers, and most poetically corny things
b) I am probably drinking tea right now (if not, I will be in a matter of 5 minutes)
c) This post is most likely the result of my evading required reading, grocery shopping, and other necessary "should-do's" that I have yet to accomplish.
d)All of the above

You see? Even procrastination becomes an art in the form of a blog post.