Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Happy birthday to me (yesterday, that is). I give you twenty-one things on my mind at this point. I wish I could update more but I'm writing papers, reading for my exams, and eating jellybeans (mostly the latter rather than the former two).

Hemingway on my birthday. It's his quote at the bottom. Would you really expect anything less?

1 comment:

Nick Nafta said...

Happy Birthday Loca! Your Xmas and Birthday is waiting for you when you get back, although your year in Barthalona is the gift of a lifetime. Be sure to drink plenty of Spanish wine. (You didn't hear that from me Suzoo.) They save the good stuff for domestic consumption and export the swill to the world. !Salud, amor y pesetas, y tiempo para disfrutarlos!

--Tio Ernesto