Monday, December 28, 2009

All Things Food

My God, French food is amazing. I was headed toward Arc de Triomph, walking down the Champs-Elysees and I got so distracted by all the little kiosks that were set up along the street for Christmas.

It just so happens that I hadn't eaten lunch yet and being that crepes are a French food, and one of my personal favorites, I couldn't resist stopping at one of the kiosks for some.

I had a crepe salée. It was ham and cheese, a classic. So delicious. I sat down to eat it on a bench in the Tuileries Park.

After I finished that, I kept walking down the Champs-Elysees, continuing toward Arc de Triomph when something else caught my eye. It was red wine, but heated! Yes, hot red wine! It was a sweeter wine and so yummy.

At the same place that I got the wine, there were these cookie-like things (they actually look like mini burgers when they don't have bites taken out of them). I think they were called macaroons (but they are different than the Jew macaroon with coconut). The one I had was pistacchio flavored. Tasted like nothing I had ever had before with a rough outside and very sweet, tacky center. Also, please note my 3 euro gloves that I had to buy on the first day I was in Paris so that my hands wouldn't freeze.

Tonight I went out to dinner with my friend Sophie who is back at home in Paris for Christmas with her family. She took me to a restaurant called Les Fondus de la Raclette. I had a Raclette. The meal was served on a cutting board and it was red meat, cheese, ham, and potatoes. Then they gave us different dips and mini frying pans to melt the cheese and cook the meat right there on the table. It was very rich, and it's probably a good thing I don't live in Paris because I would want to eat it every night.

Okay well, it's 1am and time for me to go to bed. I leave Paris tomorrow. Back to real life in Barcelona for a few days, the grind of writing papers, and paying my rent. That's when you know a place is truly feels like home, when it feels nice to come back to after a vacation but it also means real life, no fantasies.

I have loved Paris. So much. Yet, I'm happy to say that Barcelona is my "real" life.

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