Saturday, May 22, 2010

The end is near...

Yes, I've been in a blogging funk. Finals, papers, and end of my stay here in Barcelona, have all been impeding me from sitting down and writing a good blog entry. I tried writing one the other day but it just came out all groady, with poorly structured English sentences and nothing all that exciting to read.

Things that have been going on:
-Endless papers and studying that I have to complete
-Emma coming to visit me for a few days this week! (schmoozing around teterías and cafés was glorious)
-Final dinner for the program last night. Though it was hardly classy seeing about 80 Americans get TRASHED on blush wine and dancing sloppily to the hoaky music sung by the 50-something year old DJ. I felt like I was at a Bar Mitzvah. All we were missing was Hava Nagila and some hoola hoops to get the real party started.
-Great weather! The weather has finally decided to warm up to the 70's. How exciting...and distracting.

And here's a little something for your viewing pleasure. Eunice and I went to La Nit dels Museus about two weeks ago. During this night from 7pm-1am almost all of the museums in Barcelona are free. We decided to go to the Pedrera because the first time we went there we had just gotten here, and now that we go back we are almost about to leave. It's a metaphoric way to celebrate our nine months here.


1 comment:

Nick Nafta said...

Actually, the blogs you've put out in May have been very good. (Your photos are of excellent quality.) But often the best writing is usually done under the duress of a deadline. Like when you're running out of time during a final exam and you write a good response to the call of an exam question.

BTW, I went to a continuing education seminar in downtown Scam Diego and saw the pole banners for the Rock n' Roll Marathon and thought of you. They've changed the race route slightly so that runners will slog around a near sea level route along Mission Bay. But I don't think that there is a realistic way to make 26.2 miles easier to run, no matter how flat the terrain is. Stay happy and enjoy the balance of you school year and Barthalona adventure.

Uncle E.