Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama for Peace?

"But as we entered the New Milleneum it's feelings, not achievement, that count the most. This is because the world has become more feminized. So now we should all just hold each other, eat some Ben & Jerry's ice cream, watch Oprah and hope for change."
-Nick Nafta

Thanks for writing that statement, Uncle E., because now I don't have to.

"Peace" has a new definition these days. It now means occupying the White House, spending the country's money on frivolous things, and creating a discourse around loaded words like "hope," and "change." It is synonomous with Obama. I'm so grateful that now in the USA I don't have to do anything to merit acknowledgement. I can repeat my mantras of "hope" and "change" ad nauseum and win a prize for the way that I say them. Before bed each night I utter these mantras, believe in the fabricated discourse they carry, click my ruby red slippers three times, and remember that "there's no place like home." There is no place like the United States of America where having big ears and reading a teleprompter (badly) are more recognized than innovation and problem-solving.

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