Thursday, June 30, 2011

Truly a Day in the Life of Loca

Okay, so I'm going to attempt a normal blog post--the kind that I once wrote more frequently before I ran out of things to say. Beware, scarce reader, this post may be (and most likely already is) exceptionally boring. Here's what Thursday, June 30, 2011 looked like in the life of Loca.

1. This morning as the new light gently grazed a sleeping night sky and peeked through the windows above my bed, I woke up to a calm, but restful peace.

That's both cheesy and a lie. I really woke up when my Cairn Terrier, Prudence, shoved her snout into my bedroom door (for some reason it has difficulty latching), burst inside my room like the Kool-Aid Pitcher, and launched herself onto my bed for a nap. She conveniently positioned her ass across from my face and was quite pleased with herself. Ugh, every time I breathed it smelled like dog. Actually, it smelled like fish because for some reason Prudence smells like fish. Thankfully she's getting a bath tomorrow. As for the one section of my bed comforter that she slept on this morning (read: that she sleeps on every morning), I'll have to Febreeze it.

2. I made coffee and ate peanut butter cookies for breakfast. If peanut butter cookies are available to me in the morning, it's customary that I eat them.

3. I wrote a terrible poem. Didn't bother titling it. See below post.

4. Ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Crunchy peanut butter. Enough said.

5. Answered the door for the UPS guy who was delivering the booze that my parents ordered from the wineries we visited while in Sonoma. The UPS guy who appeared to be in his 20s as well took one glance at my In-N-Out T-shirt and scruffy pajama shorts and glasses and asked, "Are your parents home?"
Me: No. [picks up pen to sign his little portable screen without him really offering it]
UPS Guy: Are you 21? [I have finished signing by this point.]
Me: I'm 22.
UPS Guy: Are you? [Believes me but is surprised] I just have to ask because the person that signs has to be 21.
Me: [Looks up at him] I know, but don't worry. My parents have been wine club members since I was twelve, and I've gotten away with signing for the booze since I was fifteen. Have a great day!

6. I went for a run. It was 85 degrees and sunny. I am getting into shape again so today's run was honestly enjoyable the entire way. I typically run alone with the soundtrack of my iPod. Though when it gets tough for me (in other words, when I'm gasping for what I feel will be my last breath on Earth), I try to distract myself beyond the music by pretending that one of my friends is running next to me while timing me and encouraging me to keep going. Sometimes, I just imagine that we are running together to catch up on life and I visualize myself talking with them where both of us are immersed in this great conversation we're having. It may sound crazy, but having my friends run with me (in my head) has helped me run through some brutally cold winters and awfully sticky summers. I mean, it's always fun to spend time with friends, right? Who knows, maybe you, scarce reader, have even accompanied me on a run before! But today you didn't because I didn't need you. I didn't need anyone. I wasn't gasping for my last breath on Earth; instead, I felt like I was just on a nice jaunt through nature. Though, I bet I'll be seeing you tomorrow.

6. I went to the post office to mail a wedding response card. I, one guest, "happily accepted." It took me awhile to fill out the card and write a lonely "1" in the blank. It's an out of town wedding so it's expected that I wouldn't bring a guest, but I couldn't help thinking about how I will be a single entity boarding Noah's Ark. I am 22 years old and the world is already in pairs. I wrote on the response card, "I have no guest, please sit me by interesting people."

7. I walked stinky girl, Prudence. She didn't poop. I'm sure my parents will have a nice present waiting for them tomorrow morning.

8. I Watched Project Runway.

9. I drank some sparkling Pinot Noir and ate Sour Patch Watermelon as an appetizer for my pizza dinner.

10. I watched The Mentalist with my parents and fell asleep in front of the TV like a 50-almost-60-something Jeff Waldman would do. I swear it's an inherited trait. Damn it.

11. I'm typing this blog post on my laptop while lying in bed because I couldn't stare at that emo poem at the top of the page for much longer.

Note: I love numbering things. I do it when I get lazy and don't feel like working in transitions. I feel like numbering my essays in college would have saved me a lot of time too. Alas, another lesson learned too late.

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