Friday, November 20, 2009

More of Aragón

That's Professor Cardona. He's a character.

I love the way the tree framed this church. We made a pit stop in this town when we were driving around in the bus.

Though in the middle of Aragón, this town had Sevilla style buildings. That tree is such an amazing color, it matches the building. Okay, I know I like trees.

This is Pablo. He saw me taking photos and then I asked him for his. He was happy to pose for me, though he looks very serious here. After I took the photo he made sure that I included the cane. Pablo, I hope I am as proud as you when I am your age.

That symbol on the building is a symbol of La Falange, the Fascist party of the day. It has since been requested to have that symbol removed from the building, but seeing as how there are still many fervent Fascists in Spain, they threatened to destroy the entire building if it was removed. Thus, the symbol stands. A black knick on a pristine surface.

Okay, this picture is just hilarious. It is Professor Cardona knocking nuts out of a tree with a big stick while his wife bends down to pick them up. Pilar later joined them, gathering the nuts from the ground. It was truly a sight, watching them all scamper like squirrels to gather these nuts...

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