Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Look! I'm alive!

Hello reader! How art thou?

Long time no post. It's been a solid four months since I've posted anything at all. I don't like to think that I've neglected my beloved blog, and you probably thought Loca's Thang was a thang of the past, no? I can't blame you.

Though these past four months have been quite eventful, I can't say they've been particularly interesting. But hey, stuff has happened, and the new year has arrived. Hello 2011! Sorry I'm five days late in greeting you. Then again, I could be four months late or in complete denial that you've arrived at all. I must mention the fact that I have a nifty birthday this year. I'll be 22 on 1/11/11! And 11(2) = 22. Two twos is double eleven. Wow, see how well I can add?! I got an A in the math course I took this past semester. I think this darn well proves that it was a much deserved grade.

Hmm, I have so much I could say right now that I really don't know what I should say. I'll just make a list of random events/frivolities/photos that have emerged into being within the last four months.

1. Okay, now what?
2. I'll do this later.

Maybe I'll post again in a few minutes when inspiration dawns on me.

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